«Growing heights», Ballpoint pen and acrylics on canvas, 60 cm x 50 cm

«Uzuri (Beauty)», Acrylic, chinese ink and ballpoint pen on canvas, 60 cm x 50 cm

Annah Nkyalu: Dare to try something new!

Anyone who dares to try something new is always taking a risk. After all, you don’t know exactly what the end result will be. Annah Nkyalu’s residency came to an end a few days ago. She is delighted with the artistic freedom she experienced at the Forster Gallery in March.

She was very excited to be able to use the residency to try out new things. She painted on canvas for the first time – previously she had only worked on paper – and she also brought more color into her pictures. Finding the balance between color and pen strokes so that the picture looks harmonious is challenging. We think her new works are a success!

Annah tried out lots of new things. We had many interesting conversations. We are proud to accompany her on her journey.

Being an artist for Annah Nkyalu means, in addition to the creative challenge, asserting herself on the market and selling pictures.

Her works have been exhibited locally and internationally and she was the winner of TFA’s Tanzania Fine Artist’s Competition (2019) and runner-up in Mulika organization’s Young upcoming artists (2022).

Works of Anna Nkyalu in the Forster Gallery